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Affirmative Action for Husbands

Husbands: Print this list out and read it to your wife. Make sure you are prepared to confess and be humble and act like you're the sweat of a pig at her feet! And do it out of love  for her. You will be glad you did! More than you can imagine in advance!

I acknowledge that I have been conveniently using, enjoying, and benefiting from these
In return, I shall strive to partially compensate women through
such as these



Not wearing a shirt,| or wearing just a tank top,| in mixed company, when it's hot and sweaty. Meanwhile the women wore shirts, etc. I will show more appreciation for women's efforts in appearing composed,| pleasing,| and appropriate.



Not wearing underwear under the baggy shorts, in mixed company, when it's hot,| or leaving around my dirty socks and sneakers | or sit with women while my hands and nails are filthy |and generally act like a savage and not care about women's tender sensibilities I will stop acting like a wimp | and I will make the effort it takes to appear more appealing in the presence of my wife | and I will keep reminding myself that by myself I tend to sink into savagery | and uncivilized beastiality | and only my wife, and other women, keep me from sliding quickly into that hellish fate for men| and therefore I must constantly show my gratitude to her, and all women, for agreeing to perform this saving function for us men



Being served by my wife, and other women, | taking it for granted,| insisting on it,| pouting when it's not done in exactly the way I expect it -- in summary, treating women like I think they are my servants I will start serving my wife principally, and other women by extension, in such a way as | to give her the feeling that I want to please her, | that I care about her comfort, | that I respect her ahead of myself



Being competitive with my wife,| insisting on a fair-and-square 50/50 deal where I won't do what I don't think I should,| and the tasks I agree to do, I execute them reluctantly,| complainingly,| inefficiently,| and use them as an opportunity to be in a bad mood and make her feel bad I will stop using equity justice with my wife, and other women by extension,| and I will no longer keep track on a 50/50 basis,| but instead, I will strive to be a helper,| anticipating what she wants and doing it for her sake,| to make it easier on her,| to love her in that way



Intimidating my wife, and other women, through my male prerogatives,| so that I can have things my way by using male chauvinistic tactics like this:|
Raising my voice | Frowning | Assuming a threatening stance | Making a fist | Insisting over and over | Mental torture --| nagging her to distraction,| confusing her,| misrepresenting things,| faking stuff,| threatening her,| and so on
I will stop being a mental torturer to women who love me, and by extension to all women, by humbling my male megalomaniacal self, and by making sure that when I mistreat my wife again, and other women, I will instantly stop, confess my error to her, then tenderly ask her forgiveness and think of some fun activity to do to take her mind of my slimeball treatment of her

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Swedenborgian Marriage Handbook
for Husbands

As seen and understood by Leon James

Afffirmative Action for Husbands || Leon's Case History || Doctrine of the Wife: Part 1 || Doctrine of the Wife: Part 2  || Spiritual Genes and Marriage || Husbands Confess Here || Husband's Voluntary Self-Subordination to Wife in Inner Things || Inventory of Bad Behaviors || Affirmative Action for Husbands || Psychobiology of Marriage || Conjugial Love || Gender Genes || Gender Words || Spiritual Causes of Divorce ||

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Authors: Leon James &  Diane Nahl Webmaster: I.J. Thompson