Scientific discovery of Spiritual Laws given in Rational Scientific Revelations


It will now be necessary to make a summary conclusion of all that has been shown above, and to state briefly wherein sensation essentially consists, as otherwise one argument may prevent the correct comprehension of the other. The case is therefore as follows:

The first motion or tremulation takes place in the fluid which is distributed over all the membranes, and which flows through all the lymphatic ducts, thus creating the inmost contiguity within the body; the least impulse on this fluid effects a tremulation which flows over the whole of this contiguity, with all its membranes, meninges, etc. The secondary or corresponding cotremulation is therefore the one which takes place in the membranes, and the third is the one that takes place in the bony system which is so closely connected with the membranes. From all this it follows, first, that if the fluid is absent, there can be no impelling force for the motion or for its communication to the membranous system, as may be seen in cases of apoplexy or swooning; secondly, the sanguineous fluid, if too abundant, causes the lymphatic canals to be too greatly expanded they become dammed up in certain places, or are pressed to and fro, whence the tremulatory motions are obstructed and forced to seek various side paths, making extraordinary vibrations in the place of the proper ones, as may be seen in cases of sudden passion, or in drunkards; thirdly, an insufficiency of the sanguineous fluid causes the lymphatic canals to lie slack and flat in many places, making uneven openings for the lymph, which is thus deprived of its proper sensation, as may be seen in cases of exhaustion, fear, etc.; fourth, if the membranes are too slack, and hence wrinkled or twisted, it follows that the tremulatory fluid cannot flow forward in a proper manner, but the tremulation becomes dull or has altogether ceased before it has arrived at its terminus; fifth, if the bones are not in their proper condition, it follows that the membranes cannot be well expanded, or the lymphatic canals properly extended and open, but certain membranes must here and there fail to assist the course of the tremulation.

The summary of the whole is therefore this, that when the membranes lie well expanded towards their bones, and when the blood-vessels possess an even tension, then can everything that is fluid pass freely through all its vessels and have a contiguity throughout all the systems, so that the least impression in any place makes an impression upon all that is fluid. A vibration is thus communicated to the little valves in the vessels; a corresponding tremulation is hence imparted to the membranes, and through the latter, finally, to the bones and thus, as soon as the tremulation has been communicated to everything that is expanded and contiguous in the whole body, there results from all this what is termed a sensation. Quad erat demonstrandum.

It is, indeed, wonderful what a power there is in a fluid to communicate a corresponding cotremulation to a hard substance. A tremulation in the air imparts a similar motion to the whole organ of hearing, with all its cartilages and bones. A small bomb exploded under water, causes a tremulation in the ground and the rocks round about, just as the fluids in the body communicate their tremulation to all the membranes and bones, in order to produce all that is moving and living in a man.


 Rules of Tremulation

 Chapter 1

 Chapter 2

 Chapter 3

 Chapter 4

 Chapter 5

 Chapter 6



Source pages

Authors: Leon James &  Diane Nahl Webmaster: I.J. Thompson