Scientific discovery of Spiritual Laws given in Rational Scientific Revelations

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SE 542. But their angels are present instantly, and occupy the region of their head, which they fill up by a special method, not used by the spirits of this earth. The spirits of this earth as it were take possession of the brain and the head, and sometimes with such force that it feels as if they are squeezing together the scalp, or pulling off the skull, very often with some sense of pain; so that if any other than an experienced person were to undergo this, they would believe it was pulling off their skull, or even squashing their brain. But the spirits of the planet Jupiter approach with a gentle blowing action, occupying the brain in a kind of gentle and coordinated glide, for they fear that the person might be hurt and feel pain from them. They came to be within me by this gliding movement. They are the ones who restrain evil spirits from doing something worse to them than they have been permitted by the Lord to do; so that an evil spirit is held within limits, and controlled. These are their angels, who preserve them. I have spoken with them also. 1748, the 26th day of January

SE 1128. They are distinguished from other genii and spirits in this, that they induce upon the head a kind of suction or attraction, and this is of such a nature that the place where this attraction or suction exists is almost painful. The sensation of suction is just as manifest as though the membranes were being very sensibly sucked in. There is room to doubt whether others could have endured it on account of the pain, but since I had long been accustomed to such attractions of spirits and genii, and indeed very powerful ones, I bore these also without pain.

SE 2533. These (spirits) now irritate my left eye, and manifestly infuse therein a certain, more acute pain. wherefrom may he concluded that these who are now present are among those who rule the vulgar thoughts. When others (act) who (rule) cupidities, and move the right eye, the pain of the eye is interior (and) acute. Thus it is also concluded that they are intermediate, like as sight is intermediate between hearing and thought

SE 4738. [4742] CONCERNING DISEASES. ((A certain one - who, during the life of the body, was an adulterer [King Frederick], and placed his highest delight therein, without any conscience about injuring the matrimonial covenant, and, moreover, was lascivious in the highest degree and wholly given up to pleasures, so that he did not wish to perform any use save on his own behalf, and for the sake of his adultery and his pleasure - he was with me several days, beneath the feet. And when he changed his state, he inflicted, whithersoever he came, some pain on the periosteal* and the nerves there; sometimes on the left part of the loins, at the hinder portion, sometimes on the toes of the sole of the left foot, sometimes on the periostea of the breast beneath the right diaphragm, and also on the lower row of teeth, and so on, here and there. [4743] This sphere, when he operated, produced a great heaviness of the stomach, to such a degree that I thought I should fall dead; for he assailed and hurt all the periostea, even of the head, if permitted, for he was also a dissembling hypocrite: [he operated] also, into the periosteum of the right eye.)) * The periosteum is the skin of the bones. It is most keenly sensitive to pain.

SE 4855. Those who have attended on holy things, and also acknowledged them in an external manner, that is, have not doubted concerning them, and yet have not lived a Christian life, but have lived in hatred and the like-when they come to man, they produce pain in the head, even in the very bones, and pain of the shoulder, or arm. Certain ones, who were of such a nature, and who also acknowledged the Lord, were with me. They penetrated even to the bones of the head and caused pain there, besides which the arm became so feeble in the elbow that it could scarcely be bent. Of such a character are they who are in a life of piety, and not at the same time in a life of charity. In such a life are very many who are considered Christians.

SE 4924. Afterwards, they were led where there was heat there; and then they began to suffer pain in the knees, presently, in the region of the stomach, and at last, about the breast; but, lest that pain should become more grievous, it was moderated by the tempering mediums-as, also, they were told. From that place they then turned their faces to the rock from whence they came, which appeared to them like a dark cloud. They wondered that their dwellings are in that darkness, while yet, when they themselves are in that place, they are in light there; but they were told, that still they have no other light, because it is as it were the light of winter, which is seen from the light of spring which is in the heavens, to be of such a character. That they might be confirmed in this, it was granted them to speak with certain known priests there, from the habitations of the latter, where was a similar and even greater darkness. Thus they were instructed in what light of truth they were: Then (as they advanced) towards higher places, the pain became grievous and began to torment them; and they hastened to descend from thence as quickly as possible, saying that it is not heaven to them, there, but rather hell, and that they had no further desire to ascend thither.

SE 5103. CONCERNING THE HELL WHERE THEY WRANGLE ABOUT RELIGIOUS MATTERS. CONCERNING LUTHER. CONCERNING BABYLON. CONCERNING THE GREAT TOE OF THE RIGHT FOOT. I heard a considerable crowd around me, which numbered several thousands. By them the hell of hypocrites was excited; from which hell there arose an exhalation which infested the teeth and gums, both upper and lower, of the left side. This continued some hours; and I complained that I was affected with that pain from that disturbing crew.


When he came to the valley, he again stirred up similar crowds there, and also opened a hell which is quite in the middle, under the groin, where are those who believe they know everything and that nothing at all is concealed from them, and, at the same time, do not suffer others to speak, nor even to think, save only those who agree with them. (Peter Schonstrom, who was of such a character, was often there.) This was observed from a certain cold draught into the nostril, from which arose discomfort, such as there is when a wintry wind blows into the nostrils and causes a certain cold pain there; for, by that means, it takes away the respiration. For a crowd appeared there also, which said that they cannot but be there, and that they are kept there by force. He who was their subject, who opened that hell, was at the left side, higher up; and it was at length ascertained that this was caused by Luther for he is of such a character that he wishes all others to believe what he says, and (thinks) that he only knows, and that he only ought to speak. Nor does he suffer others to believe and speak differently from him, always saying that the things he said were truths themselves, and cannot be contradicted.

SE 5922. Melancthon stayed for several days after this, and was behind, at the left. He was partial to places from whence his life was somewhat communicated; and it was then evident that he has been a hypocrite, for he induced great pain in the temple and teeth, on both sides, respecting which I spoke with some, who said that he declared that he loves the life of good and also leads it; when, notwithstanding, from his principle of religion, he utterly rejected it. It was also said that be preached, several times, and, when it was about faith alone, that the Church was not willing to listen to such things as he said; wherefore, he had refrained from preaching in that manner.

SE 5948 Amongst them were also very many who have led a life of piety, and hence believed that they ought to be received into heaven in preference to others; but as they have not loved any use, they also were cast out in troops. They were detected by the act, that, when they inspired into my back, they inflicted a fluctuating pain, and a varying palpitation in the breast, both on the pulse of the heart and that of the lungs. Amongst them were Aulaevill and Rosenstolpe; and the latter, as he had acted unjustly for friendship's sake, and persisted in so doing, inflicted pain in the temple, in the surrounding bones, and also somewhat in the teeth. He was completely natural. Aulaevill was still more so. They who have led a life of piety, and have had for their doctrine that charity is everything, and have, nevertheless, lived without performing uses, merely praying piously, attending church and the like-these produced pain in the right arm, and the right great shoulder-blade; and struggled up higher than others. They were cast out in troops. They were full of indignation that their piety and charity were of no avail. I suffered many things from the latter and from the former; and all of them, according to their delights of the love of self and the world and according to their delights of doing evils, were cast down into lower places, where they at length reject piety. The separation of Papists from the Reformed, also, occupied a long time; and to all and each of them ways were appointed along which they should go to their societies. The main point of all was the arranging in order according to the idea of the Divine, and the arranging of the good according to the idea of the Lord. This was ascertained in various ways. Those who have called themselves "sons of God" and brothers of the Lord," were driven out, and were taught that it is unbecoming to say and believe thus; but that they may be so called by the Lord, and not say it themselves for they are all servants.

SE 4614. CONCERNING THE TONGUE. BY WHOM IT IS AFFECTED WITH PAIN AND RENDERED RIGID. (THEIR) INFLUX. There are spirits, nearly invisible, to the left, in the plane of the upper part of the head. They make their appearance in consociation; and these, when they flow near, which is (done) from a far-distant hell, -when these are present, they immediately affect with pain the top of the left part of the tongue; and, if they operate more fully, it is still deeper into the tongue, which, at the part (on which they operate), they at length make rigid, so that I could not have eaten anything on account of the pain which existed when the tongue was folded at that part,; and it also flowed into my speech, so that I could hardly speak articulately. They operate into that part of the tongue from which there is a communication from the left ear, upwards, into the left side of the head, as far as the skull there, also to the left eye, and, downwards, into the left side of the breast, right on to certain toes of the sole of the left foot, which depend on the thigh.

SE 3612. Such moreover strike a pain into the left side of my head, forming there, as it were, hard knots; thus they are those also who incrust the brain. When it was given me by the Lord not to regard such objections or to admit them, then I perceived a pain in the nerves of the left (side of the) neck, so that I could scarcely turn my head, by reason of the pain (arising from) the hardness of the nerve. The cause of this was, that the reasoners were unwilling to be present, but began to recede, as they also said. -1748, October 18.

SE 4088. After the above was written I perceived that the societies around me reasoned concerning it. Their reasoning flowed in in a most general way, so that nothing was perceived but a certain obscure confused something which affected the brain with a kind of dull disagreeable sensation of pain. Wherefore if all the reasonings of spirits should flow in, man would be brought into just such an obscure general state, attended with a similar dull feeling of pain, and would perceive nothing distinctly; so that the fact of man's having any distinct idea is owing to the Lord's precaution lest any such confused impressions should enter the mind. The quality of their reasoning was also previously evinced by a white cloud in the azure vault, which raised, depressed, and bent itself about, and which was nothing else than the reasoning of a number of societies. I had also observed many years before. that when I was in an obscure idea, just such a dull heavy pain affected the head. --1748, November 27. But when I was freed (from the obscurity) the pain was dissipated, like the light shining forth from a previously clouded sky.

SE 4419 4088. After the above was written I perceived that the societies around me reasoned concerning it. Their reasoning flowed in in a most general way, so that nothing was perceived but a certain obscure confused something which affected the brain with a kind of dull disagreeable sensation of pain. Wherefore if all the reasonings of spirits should flow in, man would be brought into just such an obscure general state, attended with a similar dull feeling of pain, and would perceive nothing distinctly; so that the fact of man's having any distinct idea is owing to the Lord's precaution lest any such confused impressions should enter the mind. The quality of their reasoning was also previously evinced by a white cloud in the azure vault, which raised, depressed, and bent itself about, and which was nothing else than the reasoning of a number of societies. I had also observed many years before. that when I was in an obscure idea, just such a dull heavy pain affected the head. --1748, November 27. But when I was freed (from the obscurity) the pain was dissipated, like the light shining forth from a previously clouded sky.

SE 72 When he perceived that he was with one who was not a man of his earth, he began to speak with me, saying that when he came to a man, he knew each and all things that the man had done and thought; and that he reproved him severely, and also chastised him with various pains. Again at another time such a chastising spirit came to me, and applied himself to my left side below the middle of the body, like the former one, who also wished to punish me; but he too was prevented by angels. He, however, showed me the binds of punishments which they are permitted to inflict upon the men of their earth, if they do and intend to do evil. They were, besides pain of the joints, a painful constriction also around the middle of the belly, which is felt as a compression by a sharp girdle. And then there was a taking away of the breath at intervals even to distress; and also the prohibition from eating anything but bread for a time; last of all the threat of death, if they should not leave off doing such things; and also privation from enjoyment of the consort, children, and companions. Pain therefrom is also then insinuated.

SE 5720. There have been times when hypocrites were present with me. That is to say, spirits have been present who spoke with reverence about Divine matters, and with affection and love about society and their neighbour, declaring a belief in what was right and fair. Yet in their heart they rejected all this and scorned it. When they were allowed to flow into those parts of my body to which they corresponded in a contrary sense, they introduced pain into my teeth; and when they were very close they introduced pain so severe that I could not bear it. But in the measure that they were moved away the pain left off. This has been demonstrated to me repeatedly, to remove all shadow of doubt. Those spirits included someone whom I had known during his lifetime, and therefore I spoke to him. Again, as was his presence, so was the pain I felt in my teeth and gums. When he was being raised up towards the left the pain moved into my left jawbone and the bone forming my left temple, and from these into my cheekbones

TCR 567. At this point I shall add some accounts of experiences, of which this is the first.*
I was suddenly struck by a nearly fatal illness. My whole head became heavy. A pestilential fog assailed me from the Jerusalem, the name of which is Sodom and Egypt (Rev. 11:8). I was half-dead with savage pain, and awaited my end. I lay thus in my bed for three and a half days. My spirit underwent these pains, and so consequently did my body. Then I heard voices around me saying: 'Look, here there lies dead in a street in our city the man who preached repentance for the forgiveness of sins, and Christ the man alone as God.' They asked some of the clergy whether he deserved burial. They said he did not; 'let him lie there for people to see.' They kept going away, coming back and ridiculing me. This truly happened to me, when I was writing the explanation of the eleventh chapter of Revelation.


Quotations from the works of Leon James and Diane Nahl
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